The ACHP maintains an ongoing intern program for undergraduate or graduate students as well as individuals at an early stage of their career and professional development. Interns pursue projects contributing to the work of the ACHP and its historic preservation partners nationwide. Specific assignments are developed based on current ACHP needs and the skills and interests of selected interns. Projects can be designed to obtain academic credit, and professional staff members supervise all interns.

ACHP Internships
Interns become familiar with the full range of work of the agency and participate in meetings and programs with others interning at related agencies and organizations. ACHP members and staff and the ACHP Foundation assist interns with networking and advice. Internships can be for the summer (10 weeks) or an alternative period of time, such as a quarter or a semester during the school year. The ACHP Foundation provides a stipend to help offset expenses. Candidates should have an interest in historic preservation and may come from a wide variety of disciplines, such as history, architectural history, archaeology, planning, law, economics, architectural design, communications, or education.